Vineyard Churches in Wisconsin United States

Below is a list of Vineyard churches in Wisconsin, United States. For more detailed result, please select the area that you're currently in or want to find churches for.

Adullam Vineyard

Denomination: Vineyard
Phone: 920-405-8463
Address: PO BOX 11413 GREEN BAY, WI 54305 US

Adullam Vineyard Church

Denomination: Vineyard
Phone: 920-432-8463
Address: 1232 Main Street Green Bay, WI 54302 US

Madison Vineyard Church

Denomination: Vineyard
Phone: 608-358-3614
Address: 5003 University Ave. Madison, WI 53705 US

Straightway Vcf

Denomination: Vineyard
Phone: 414-645-8463
Address: 3727 W. National Ave. MILWAUKEE, WI 53215 US

The Vineyard Church Of Madison

Denomination: Vineyard
Phone: 608-236-0153
Address: 2106 KENDALL AVENUE Madison, WI 53726 US

The Vineyard Church Plant Of Madison

Denomination: Vineyard
Phone: 608-827-5099
Address: 734 Bear Claw Way No. 301 MADISON, WI 53717 US

Wausau Vineyard

Denomination: Vineyard
Phone: 715-849-8463
Address: 215 E. Thomas St. WAUSAU, WI 54401 US

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