Orthodox Churches in Oklahoma United States

Below is a list of Orthodox churches in Oklahoma, United States. For more detailed result, please select the area that you're currently in or want to find churches for.

Greek Orthodox Church

Denomination: Orthodox
Phone: 918-583-0417
Address: 1206 SOUTH GUTHRIE AVENUE Tulsa, OK 74119 US

Saint Benedict Orthodox Church

Denomination: Orthodox
Phone: 405-672-1441
Address: 3900 JONES BOULEVARD Oklahoma City, OK 73135 US
Email: stbenedict@orthodox.org
Website: http://stbenedict.orthodox.org

Saint Elijah Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church

Denomination: Orthodox
Phone: 405-755-7804
Address: 150TH & NORTH MAY AVENUE Oklahoma City, OK 73134 US
Email: stelijah@stelijahokc.com

Saint James Orthodox Church

Denomination: Orthodox
Phone: 918-274-9612
Address: 9612 NORTH 151ST EAST AVENUE Tulsa, OK 74055 US
Email: church@stjamesok.org
Website: http://www.stjamesok.org

Saint Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Christian Church Ecumenical Patriarchate

Denomination: Orthodox
Phone: 405-399-5425
Address: N. W. 4TH AND BOSTON STREETS, P.O. BOX 793, JONES OK Oklahoma City, OK 73049-4501 US
Email: fr.raphael@juno.com

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