Episcopal Churches in Massachusetts United States

Below is a list of Episcopal churches in Massachusetts, United States. For more detailed result, please select the area that you're currently in or want to find churches for.

All Saints' And Saint Barnabas' Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 413-732-2981
Address: 41 OAKLAND STREET Springfield, MA 01108 US
Website: http://www.stbarnabas-and-allsaints.org/

All Saints Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 508-752-3766
Address: 10 IRVING STREET Worcester, MA 01609 US
Website: http://www.allsaintsw.org/

All Saints Parish Rectory

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 978-372-7721
Address: 120 BELLEVUE AVENUE Haverhill, MA 01832 US
Website: http://allsaintshaverhill.org/

Christ Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-628-4519
Address: 66 Fellsway West SOMERVILLE, MA 02145 US

Christ Church Episcopal Residence

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-773-8432
Address: 12 QUINCY AVENUE Quincy, MA 02169 US
Website: http://christchurchquincy.org/

Christ Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-773-0310
Address: 12 QUINCY AVENUE Quincy, MA 02169 US
Website: http://christchurchquincy.org/

Church Of Saint John The Evangelist

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-227-5242
Address: 35 BOWDOIN Boston, MA 02114 US
Website: http://stjev.org/

Church Of The Advent

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-523-2377
Address: 30 BRIMMER STREET Boston, MA 02116 US
Website: http://theadventboston.org/

Diocese Of Western Mass Episcopal

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 413-737-4786
Address: 37 CHESTNUT STREET Springfield, MA 01109 US
Website: http://www.diocesewma.org/

Emmanuel Church Of Boston

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-536-3355
Address: 15 NEWBURY STREET Boston, MA 02116 US
Website: http://www.emmanuel-boston.org/

Grace Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-724-4322
Address: 76 Eldredge St NEWTON, MA 02458 US
Website: http://www.gracenewton.org/

Grace Church Federated

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-569-5358
Address: 760 Saratoga St BOSTON, MA 02128 US

Grace Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 978-682-6003
Address: 35 JACKSON STREET Lawrence, MA 01840 US

Holy Cross Parish

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 508-992-1790
Address: 839 COUNTY STREET New Bedford, MA 02746 US

Old North Christ Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-523-6676
Address: 193 Salem St BOSTON, MA 02113 US
Website: http://oldnorth.com/

Saint Alban's Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 781-595-9712
Address: 35 WAITT AVENUE Lynn, MA 01902 US

Saint Andrew's Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 508-875-5095
Address: 3 Maple St FRAMINGHAM, MA 01702 US
Website: http://www.standrewsframma.org/

Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 508-75-5095- 3 MAPLE STREET
Address: Framingham, MA 01701 US

Saint Anne Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 978-452-2150
Address: 8 KIRK STREET Lowell, MA 01852 US
Website: http://stanneslowell.org/our-church/directions/

Saint Augustine And Saint Martin Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-442-6395
Address: 29 Lenox St BOSTON, MA 02118 US
Website: http://www.saintaugustinesaintmartin.org

Saint Augustine's Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 978-685-1933
Address: 297 SOUTH UNION STREET Lawrence, MA 01840 US

Saint James Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-666-1063
Address: 1170 Broadway SOMERVILLE, MA 02144 US
Website: http://www.stjamessomerville.org

Saint James' Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-547-4408
Address: 1991 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE Cambridge, MA 02139 US
Website: http://www.stjames-cambridge.org/

Saint John

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-479-9789
Address: 44 SCHOOL STREET Quincy, MA 02169 US
Website: http://stjohnsquincy.org/

Saint John Episcopal Church Rectory

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-773-1021
Address: 21 GAY STREET Quincy, MA 02169 US

Saint John's

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-445-8843
Address: 149 Roxbury St BOSTON, MA 02119 US
Website: http://www.geocities.com/StJohns.StJames/

Saint John's Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-964-2591
Address: 297 LOWELL AVENUE Newton, MA 02160 US
Website: http://saintjohnschurch.com/

Saint Luke Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 413-734-8388
Address: 961 SAINT JAMES Springfield, MA 01104 US

Saint Luke's Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 508-756-1990
Address: 921 PLEASANT STREET Worcester, MA 01602 US
Website: http://www.stlukesworcester.org/

Saint Mark's Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 508-791-6027
Address: Zero Freeland St WORCESTER, MA 01603 US

Saint Mark's Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 508-791-6027
Address: ZERO FREELAND STREET Worcester, MA 01608 US

Saint Mary Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-282-3181
Address: 14 CUSHING AVENUE Dorchester, MA 02125 US
Website: http://stmarysdorchester.org/

Saint Mary's Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-527-4769
Address: 258 CONCORD STREET Newton, MA 02162 US
Website: http://www.st-marys-episcopal.org/

Saint Matthew's Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 508-755-4433
Address: 695 Southbridge St WORCESTER, MA 01610 US

Saint Michael's-on-the-heights

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 508-835-9400
Address: 340 Burncoat St WORCESTER, MA 01606 US

Saint Paul Church Nursery School

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 413-532-4890
Address: 485 APPLETON STREET Holyoke, MA 01040 US

Saint Paul Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 413-532-5060
Address: 485 APPLETON STREET Holyoke, MA 01040 US

Saint Paul's Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 508-586-7751
Address: 80 PLEASANT STREET Brockton, MA 02401 US
Email: stpauls@stpaulsbrockton.org
Website: http://www.stpaulsbrockton.com/

Saint Peter Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 413-736-8567
Address: 45 BUCKINGHAM STREET Springfield, MA 01109 US

Saint Peter's Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-547-7788
Address: 838 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE Cambridge, MA 02139 US
Website: http://www.saintpeterscambridge.org/

Saint Stephens Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 781-599-4220
Address: 74 SOUTH COMMON STREET Lynn, MA 01902 US
Website: http://www.ststephenslynn.org/

Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-262-9070
Address: 419 Shawmut Ave BOSTON, MA 02118 US
Website: http://www.ststephensbos.org

The Church Of The Advent

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-523-2377
Address: 30 BRIMMER STREET Boston, MA 02108 US
Email: office@theadvent.org
Website: http://theadventboston.org/

The Parish Of All Saints

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-436-6370
Address: 209 Ashmont St BOSTON, MA 02124 US
Website: http://www.allsaints.net/

Trinity Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-536-0944
Address: 206 CLARENDON STREET Boston, MA 02116 US
Website: http://www.trinityinspires.org/

Trinity Episcopal Church

Denomination: Episcopal
Phone: 617-527-2790
Address: 11 HOMER STREET, NEWTON CENTER MA Newton, MA 02459 US
Website: http://www.trinitynewton.org/

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