Calvary Chapel Churches in Idaho United States

Below is a list of Calvary Chapel churches in Idaho, United States. For more detailed result, please select the area that you're currently in or want to find churches for.

Calvary Chapel Boise

Denomination: Calvary Chapel
Phone: 208-321-7440
Address: 123 Auto Drive BOISE, ID 83709 US

Calvary Chapel Nampa

Denomination: Calvary Chapel
Phone: 208-467-7116
Address: 1210 N. Middleton Road NAMPA, ID 83651 US

Calvary Chapel Of Blackfoot

Denomination: Calvary Chapel
Phone: 208-785-0809
Address: 20 E. Pacific St. BLACKFOOT, ID 83221 US

Calvary Chapel Of Coeur D' Alene

Denomination: Calvary Chapel
Phone: 208-765-9673
Address: 80 E. Wilbur Ave. Corner of Government and Wilbur COEUR D ALENE, ID 83815 US

Calvary Out-reach Rexburg

Denomination: Calvary Chapel
Phone: 208-356-6445
Address: 859 S Yellowstone, Ste 204 REXBURG, ID 83440 US

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide each and every true believer the opportunity to find the closest church. Our church directory consists of catholic, protestant, community, non denominational, denominational, baptist, evangelical, black and african american churches all over the United States and worldwide.