Below is a list of Baptist churches in Tacoma Washington, United States.
Click on the "Visit Church" button to find more info about each church.
Baptists are Christians distinguished by baptizing professing believers only (believer's baptism, as opposed to infant baptism), and doing so by complete immersion (as opposed to affusion or sprinkling). Baptist churches also generally subscribe to the tenets of soul competency/liberty, salvation through faith alone, scripture alone as the rule of faith and practice, and the autonomy of the local congregation. Baptists generally recognize two ordinances: baptism and the Lord's supper.[1] Baptist churches are widely considered to be Protestant, though some Baptists disavow this identity.[2]

Bethesda Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-472-1768
Address: 4122 SOUTH L STREET Tacoma, WA 98408 US

Bethlehem Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-472-1147
Address: 4818 EAST PORTLAND AVENUE Tacoma, WA 98404 US

Bright Star Community Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-476-1096
Address: 4001 SOUTH "M" Tacoma, WA 98418 US

Deliverance Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-536-1358
Address: 2217 MILITARY ROAD EAST Tacoma, WA 98445 US

Greater I Am Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-472-9771
Address: 3639 EAST K Tacoma, WA 98404 US

Highland Hill Community Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-564-8455
Address: 901 S PEARL STREET Tacoma, WA 98465 US

Korean Baptist Church Of Tacoma
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-535-5803
Address: 1328 SOUTH 84TH STREET Tacoma, WA 98444 US

Lakewood Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-584-2483

Live Oak Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-473-6888
Address: 6615 EAST PORTLAND AVENUE Tacoma, WA 98404 US

Lord's Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-537-0129
Address: 8423 SOUTH G STREET Tacoma, WA 98444 US

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-537-5449
Address: 8645 PACIFIC AVENUE Tacoma, WA 98444 US

Mount Calvary Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-627-3569
Address: 1311 SOUTH I STREET Tacoma, WA 98405 US

Mount Sinai Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-588-6953
Address: 10830 OLD MILITARY ROAD Tacoma, WA 98498 US

Mount Tabor Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-272-8911
Address: 2302 SOUTH ALASKA Tacoma, WA 98405 US

Mount Tahoma Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-472-7074
Address: 5220 74TH STREET WEST Tacoma, WA 98467 US

Mount Zion Community Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-537-6399
Address: 1517 112TH STREET SOUTH Tacoma, WA 98444 US

Mountain View Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-531-1672
Address: 3714 EAST 84TH STREET Tacoma, WA 98446 US

New Beginnings Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-531-8466
Address: 1212 102ND STREET SOUTH Tacoma, WA 98444 US

Olympic View Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-565-3995
Address: 4707 ELWOOD DRIVE WEST Tacoma, WA 98466 US

Portland Avenue Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-472-5252
Address: 4012 EAST PORTLAND AVENUE Tacoma, WA 98404 US

Saint John Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-572-7054
Address: 2001 SOUTH J STREET Tacoma, WA 98405 US

Saint Paul Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-627-6422
Address: 2225 SOUTH 19TH STREET Tacoma, WA 98405 US

Sixth Avenue Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-272-3472
Address: 2520 6TH AVENUE Tacoma, WA 98406 US

South Tacoma Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-474-2831
Address: 2041 SOUTH 66TH STREET Tacoma, WA 98409 US

Tillicum Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-584-1864
Address: 8415 MAPLE STREET SOUTHWEST Tacoma, WA 98498 US

Vietnamese Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-471-0128
Address: 3832 S. G St. Tacoma, WA 98408 US

Vietnanese Baptist Church Of Tacoma
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-471-0128
Address: 6046 S. WARNER ST. Tacoma, WA 98409 US

Westgate Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 253-759-7757
Address: 1801 NORTH PEARL STREET Tacoma, WA 98406 US