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Churches in Renton Washington, United States
Below is a list of churches in Renton Washington United States. For more detailed result, please select the church denomination.
- African Methodist Episcopal
- Assemblies of God
- Baptist
- Bible
- Brethren
- Catholic
- Christian
- Christian and Missionary Alliance
- Christian Science
- Church of Christ
- Church of God
- Church of God in Christ
- Community
- Episcopal
- Evangelical
- Foursquare
- Foursquare Gospel
- Full Gospel
- Lutheran
- Methodist
- Non-Denominational
- Orthodox
- Pentecostal
- Presbyterian
- United Methodist

Asian American Community Church
Denomination: Community
Phone: 425-227-9006
Address: 16710 116TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST Renton, WA 98058 US

Cedar Ridge Church
Denomination: Non-Denominational
Phone: 253-859-5251
Address: 11411 SOUTHEAST 164TH STREET Renton, WA 98055 US

Celebration Church
Denomination: Foursquare Gospel
Phone: 425-226-2381
Address: 11840 148TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST Renton, WA 98059 US

Christian Science Church
Denomination: Christian Science
Phone: 425-255-0783
Address: 212 WELLS AVENUE SOUTH Renton, WA 98055 US

Church Of Christ Puget Sound
Denomination: Church of Christ
Phone: 425-235-8566
Address: Renton, WA 98055 US

Church Of Christ Renton
Denomination: Church of Christ
Phone: 425-235-1105
Address: 2527 NORTHEAST 12TH STREET Renton, WA 98056 US

Church Of Christ Springbrook
Denomination: Church of Christ
Phone: 425-852-8109
Address: 10421 SOUTHEAST 192ND STREET Renton, WA 98055 US

City View Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 425-226-1970
Address: 255 HARDIE AVENUE SOUTHWEST Renton, WA 98055 US

Community Of Christ
Denomination: Non-Denominational
Phone: 425-226-2360
Address: 701 MONROE AVENUE NORTHEAST Renton, WA 98055 US

Cross And Crown Lutheran Church
Denomination: Lutheran
Phone: 425-255-5910
Address: 10940 SOUTHEAST 168TH STREET Renton, WA 98059 US

Daystar Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 425-226-6464
Address: 324 SMITHERS AVENUE SOUTH Renton, WA 98055 US

Divine Peace Lutheran Church
Denomination: Lutheran
Phone: 425-226-6614
Address: 17251 SOUTHEAST 128TH STREET Renton, WA 98059 US

East Renton Church
Denomination: Non-Denominational
Phone: 425-226-6778
Address: 13232 156TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST Renton, WA 98059 US

East Renton Community Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 425-226-6778
Address: 13232 156TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST Renton, WA 98059-6717 US

Eastside Christian Church
Denomination: Christian
Phone: 425-226-1874
Address: 4242 JOS AVENUE NORTHEAST Renton, WA 98055 US

Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Denomination: Presbyterian
Phone: 425-793-8473
Address: 12729 SOUTHEAST 190TH PLACE Renton, WA 98055 US

Evangelical Chinese Church Renton
Denomination: African Methodist Episcopal
Phone: 253-639-5683
Address: 19818 134th Pl. SE Renton, WA 98058 US

Evangelical Chinortheastsoutheast Church
Denomination: Evangelical
Phone: 253-639-5683
Address: 1031 MONROE AVENUE NORTHEAST Renton, WA 98055 US

Evergreen Baptist Church
Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 425-226-4040
Address: 14910 201ST AVENUE SOUTHEAST Renton, WA 98059 US

Fairwood Church
Denomination: Assemblies of God
Phone: 253-638-8470
Address: 13120 SOUTHEAST 192ND STREET Renton, WA 98055 US