Baptists are Christians distinguished by baptizing professing believers only (believer's baptism, as opposed to infant baptism), and doing so by complete immersion (as opposed to affusion or sprinkling). Baptist churches also generally subscribe to the tenets of soul competency/liberty, salvation through faith alone, scripture alone as the rule of faith and practice, and the autonomy of the local congregation. Baptists generally recognize two ordinances: baptism and the Lord's supper.[1] Baptist churches are widely considered to be Protestant, though some Baptists disavow this identity.[2]

23 Psalms Baptist Missionary Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 678-851-4683
Address: POST OFFICE BOX 95012 Atlanta, GA 30347 US

Antioch Baptist Church North

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-688-5679
Address: 540 KENNEDY STREET NW Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Antioch Baptist Church South

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-755-0519
Address: 1021 GARIBALDI STREET SW Atlanta, GA 30310 US

Antioch East Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-688-1298
Address: 1223 HARDEE STREET NE Atlanta, GA 30307 US

Atlanta Bible Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-241-1176
Address: 1663 BOULDERCREST ROAD SE Atlanta, GA 30316 US

Bankhead Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-794-4828
Address: 2498 BANKHEAD HIGHWAY NW Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Ben Hill First Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-349-1196
Address: 1998 FAIRBURN ROAD SW Atlanta, GA 30331 US

Berean Bible Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-346-7149
Address: 3515 BUTNER ROAD SW Atlanta, GA 30331 US

Bread Of Life Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-378-3483
Address: 530 CLIFTON STREET SE Atlanta, GA 30316 US

Briarcliff Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-633-6103
Address: 3039 BRIARCLIFF ROAD NE Atlanta, GA 30329 US

Brookhaven Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-237-6444
Address: 1294 NORTH DRUID HILLS Atlanta, GA 30319 US

Brown Avenue Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-524-7140
Address: 1481 JONESBORO ROAD SE Atlanta, GA 30315 US

Brown Chapel Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-792-9057
Address: 656 GARY ROAD NW Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Buckhead Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-255-5112
Address: 4100 ROSWELL ROAD NE Atlanta, GA 30342 US

Butler Street Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-577-2464
Address: 315 RALPH MCGILL BOULEVARD Atlanta, GA 30312 US

Calvary Babtist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 770-997-8722
Address: 6270 RED OAK ROAD Atlanta, GA 30349 US

Calvary Hill Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-525-5236
Address: 379 GRAY STREET NW Atlanta, GA 30314 US

Calvary Temple Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-524-7223
Address: 700 COOPER STREET Atlanta, GA 30315 US

Candler Park Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-523-0276
Address: 344 CANDLER PARK DRIVE Atlanta, GA 30307 US

Clairmont Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-636-1406
Address: 3528 CLAIRMONT ROAD NE Atlanta, GA 30319 US

Clairmont Baptist Church Child

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-633-0118
Address: 3542 CLAIRMONT ROAD NE Atlanta, GA 30319 US

Community Baptist Church Inc

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-688-7056
Address: 121 FLAT SHOALS AVENUE Atlanta, GA 30316 US

Concord Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-696-5125
Address: 3270 BOULDER PARK DRIVE Atlanta, GA 30311 US

De Foor Avenue Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-351-6474
Address: 1871 DEFOOR AVENUE NW Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Dixie Hills First Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-794-6164
Address: 1995 MOREHOUSE DRIVE NORTHWEST Atlanta, GA 30344 US

Druid Hills Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-874-5721
Address: 1085 PONCE DE LEON AVENUE NE Atlanta, GA 30306 US

Dunwoody Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 770-280-1200
Address: 1445 MOUNT VERNON ROAD Atlanta, GA 30338 US

Enon First Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 770-964-8902
Address: 3615 STONEWALL TELL ROAD Atlanta, GA 30349 US

Euclid Avenue Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-688-0163
Address: 1240 EUCLID AVENUE NE Atlanta, GA 30307 US

Fairfield Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Pastor: Reverend Micheal Benton
Phone: 404-753-0040
Address: 1021 OAKLAND DRIVE SW Atlanta, GA 30310 US

First Baptist Church At Sandy Springs

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-257-1143
Address: 650 MOUNT VERNON HIGHWAY NE Atlanta, GA 30342 US

First Baptist Church-atlanta

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-755-1389
Address: 950 CUNNINGHAM PLACE SW Atlanta, GA 30310 US

First Grace Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-378-9956
Address: 1492 WOODBINE AVENUE SE Atlanta, GA 30317 US

First Iconium Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-627-1371
Address: 542 MORELAND AVENUE SE Atlanta, GA 30316 US

First Macedonia Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-622-1191
Address: 1041 CONSTITUTION ROAD SE Atlanta, GA 30315 US

First Mount Selah Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-627-4764
Address: 2017 FORREST PARK ROAD Atlanta, GA 30315 US

First Victory Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 770-969-4744
Address: 5461 STONEWALL TELL ROAD Atlanta, GA 30349 US

George Memorial Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-794-0924
Address: 111 FAIRFIELD PLACE Atlanta, GA 30314 US

Grace Covenant Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-525-8571
Address: 775 M L KING Atlanta, GA 30314 US

Great Day Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-794-4177
Address: 2046 CHICAGO AVENUE Atlanta, GA 30314 US

Greater Bethany Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-524-2386
Address: 786 THURMOND STREET Atlanta, GA 30314 US

Greater Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-9092189
Address: 4555 Campbellton Road SW Atlanta, GA 30331 US

Hills Avenue Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-525-1382
Address: 315 HILLS AVENUE SW Atlanta, GA 30313 US

Holy Temple Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-223-0347
Address: 1206 METROPOLITAN AVENUE SE Atlanta, GA 30316 US

Howell Station Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-799-9760
Address: 1071 REYNOLDS AVENUE Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Hurt Street Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-688-3036
Address: 977 MCDANIEL STREET SW Atlanta, GA 30310 US

Iconium Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-524-1443
Address: 1050 MCDANIEL STREET SW Atlanta, GA 30310 US

Israel Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-373-2029
Address: 2071 BOULEVARD DRIVE SE Atlanta, GA 30317 US

Jackson Hill Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-378-3187
Address: 1585 PONCE DE LEON Atlanta, GA 30307 US

Jackson Memorial Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-691-4238
Address: 534 FAIRBURN ROAD Atlanta, GA 30331 US

Kingsway Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-577-3409
Address: 316 PETERS STREET SW Atlanta, GA 30313 US

Lindsay Street Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-688-8959
Address: 881 NORTH AVENUE NW Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Little Rock Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-361-9100
Address: 442 SCHOOL DRIVE Atlanta, GA 30354 US

Little Zion Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-252-7269
Address: 3260 CATES AVENUE Atlanta, GA 30319 US

Liveoak Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 770-996-0866
Address: 2601 FLAT SHOALS ROAD Atlanta, GA 30349 US

Living Waters Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-315-0101
Address: 3560 CLAIRMONT ROAD NE Atlanta, GA 30319 US

Loring Heights Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-876-7873
Address: 426 DEERING ROAD NW Atlanta, GA 30309 US

Macon Drive Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-622-4071
Address: 2119 POLAR ROCK ROAD Atlanta, GA 30315 US

Mayson Chapel Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-876-2052
Address: 113 MAYSON STREET NE Atlanta, GA 30324 US

Metropolitan Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-256-4216
Address: 4795 PEACHTREE DUNWOODY ROAD Atlanta, GA 30342 US

Moreland Avenue Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-371-9684
Address: 1585 SOUTH PONCE DE Atlanta, GA 30307 US

Mount Ephraim Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-794-1470
Address: 1202 WEST MARIETTA STREET Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Mount Hebron Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-371-0084
Address: 2090 MEMORIAL DRIVE SE Atlanta, GA 30317 US

Mount Mariah Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-636-5574
Address: 1600 MOUNT MORIAH Atlanta, GA 30329 US

Mount Mary Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-256-1535
Address: 1010 DEVIN CIR Atlanta, GA 30319 US

Mount Nebo Baptist

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-627-4030
Address: 1030 martin st Atlanta, GA 30315 US

Mount Nebo Baptist Church Life

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-627-0048
Address: 1025 MCDONOUGH BOULEVARD SE Atlanta, GA 30315 US

Mount New Home Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-763-0333
Address: 3835 GILBERT ROAD Atlanta, GA 30354 US

Mount Zion Second Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-522-9227
Address: 137 BOULEVARD NE Atlanta, GA 30312 US

New Bethesda Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-524-0459
Address: 664 ANGIER AVENUE NE Atlanta, GA 30308 US

New Cedar Creek Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-792-1329
Address: 1203 HOLLYWOOD ROAD NW Atlanta, GA 30318 US

New Emmanuel Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-349-8956
Address: 2055 FAIRBURN ROAD SW Atlanta, GA 30331 US

New Fellowship Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-753-6942
Address: 334 LAUREL AVENUE SW Atlanta, GA 30310 US

New Hampton Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-622-3134
Address: 203 FARRINGTON AVENUE SE Atlanta, GA 30315 US

New Light Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-344-0199
Address: 2540 CAMPBELLTON ROAD SW Atlanta, GA 30311 US

New Living Water Fellowship Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-395-5323
Address: 2535 LAKEWOOD AVENUE Atlanta, GA 30315 US

New Mount Sinai Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-525-8040
Address: 850 EUCLID AVENUE NE Atlanta, GA 30307 US

New Saint John Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-523-5840
Address: 1536 HARDEE STREET NE Atlanta, GA 30307 US

New West Side Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-799-8233
Address: 2567 BAKER ROAD NW Atlanta, GA 30318 US

New Zion Hill Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-688-8543
Address: 274 HENDRIX AVENUE Atlanta, GA 30315 US

North Atlanta Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-255-4141
Address: 384 MOUNT PARAN ROAD Atlanta, GA 30327 US

North Peachtree Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 770-457-1148
Address: 4805 TILLY MILL ROAD Atlanta, GA 30360 US

North Springs Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 770-698-8757
Address: 700 MORGAN FALLS ROAD Atlanta, GA 30350 US

Northside Drive Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-237-8621
Address: 3100 NORTHSIDE DRIVE NW Atlanta, GA 30305 US

Northside Park Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-355-5330
Address: 1877 HOWELL MILL ROAD Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Paradise Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-794-3457
Address: 1711 BANKHEAD HIGHWAY NW Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Park Avenue Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-627-2175
Address: 486 PARK AVENUE SE Atlanta, GA 30312 US

Peachtree Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-634-2463
Address: 2108 BRIARCLIFF ROAD NE Atlanta, GA 30329 US

Perkerson Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-766-6264
Address: 2240 SPRINGDALE ROAD SW Atlanta, GA 30315 US

Philadelphia Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-755-4839
Address: 1150 PHILADELPHIA AVENUE Atlanta, GA 30311 US

Powell Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-377-1325
Address: 530 CLIFTON STREET SE Atlanta, GA 30316 US

Sandtown Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-344-5011
Address: 5450 CAMPBELLTON ROAD SW Atlanta, GA 30331 US

Second Mt Olive Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-752-7665
Address: 1631 WESTHAVEN DRIVE SW Atlanta, GA 30311 US

Sentell Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-255-0713
Address: 4577 ROSWELL ROAD NE Atlanta, GA 30342 US

Silver Leaf Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-524-5268
Address: 291 MARTIN L KING Atlanta, GA 30312 US

Simpson Road Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-799-6667
Address: 2015 SIMPSON ROAD NW Atlanta, GA 30314 US

Sims Avenue Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-523-5853
Address: 269 SCIPLE TER Atlanta, GA 30314 US

Smyrna Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-794-4265
Address: 1142 WEDGEWOOD DRIVE Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Solomon Temple Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-363-3349
Address: 395 BLAIR VILLA DRIVE Atlanta, GA 30354 US

Southwest Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-753-5326
Address: 384 WELLINGTON STREET Atlanta, GA 30310 US

Stanton Grove Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-687-9058
Address: 2015 MEMORIAL DRIVE SE Atlanta, GA 30317 US

Sunny Side Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-753-3571
Address: 1030 SIMS STREET SW Atlanta, GA 30310 US

Sylvan Hills Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-755-7759
Address: 1690 MELROSE DRIVE SW Atlanta, GA 30310 US

Sylvester Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-874-8797
Address: 542 BOULEVARD NE Atlanta, GA 30308 US

Terry Street Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-521-2109
Address: 1000 LIMAN AVENUE Atlanta, GA 30315 US

The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-377-0561
Address: 1879 GLENWOOD AVENUE, SOUTHEAST Atlanta, GA 30316 US

The True Light Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-799-8623
Address: 47 ANDERSON AVENUE, NORTHWEST Atlanta, GA 30314 US

Thompson Grove Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-792-7733
Address: 97 DAHLIA AVENUE Atlanta, GA 30314 US

Travelers Rest Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-361-3669
Address: 3585 GILBERT ROAD Atlanta, GA 30354 US

Troy Street Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-758-1717
Address: 227 TROY STREET Atlanta, GA 30314 US

True Light Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-799-8623
Address: 47 ANDERSON AVENUE NW Atlanta, GA 30314 US

True Love Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-792-7047
Address: 2509 BELLVIEW AVENUE Atlanta, GA 30318 US

United Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-996-7701
Address: 1332 STEWART AVENUE SW Atlanta, GA 30310 US

University Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-237-6735
Address: 1375 FERNWOOD CIRCLE NORTHEAST Atlanta, GA 30319 US

Welcome Friend Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-241-0554
Address: 1430 BOULDERCREST DRIVE SE Atlanta, GA 30316 US

Welcome Home Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-523-2238
Address: 374 MARTIN L KING Atlanta, GA 30312 US

West Merritts Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-874-9008
Address: 1095 STATE STREET NW Atlanta, GA 30318 US

West Oakland Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-755-7592
Address: 1025 VIOLET STREET Atlanta, GA 30310 US

Wheat Street Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-659-4328
Address: 359 AUBURN AVENUE NE Atlanta, GA 30312 US

Wieuca Road Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-814-4460
Address: 3626 PEACTHREE ROAD NE Atlanta, GA 30326 US

Winters Chapel Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 770-394-8092
Address: 6625 WINTERS CHAPEL ROAD Atlanta, GA 30360 US

Woodland Hills Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-627-7364
Address: 1084 WOODLAND AVENUE SE Atlanta, GA 30316 US

Wood's Memorial Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-761-3002
Address: 5665 OLD NATL HIGHWAY Atlanta, GA 30349 US

Woodward Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-792-2430
Address: 1109 HOLLYWOOD ROAD NW Atlanta, GA 30318 US

Zion Grove Baptist Church

Denomination: Baptist
Phone: 404-522-9875
Address: 606 PRYOR STREET SW Atlanta, GA 30312 US

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide each and every true believer the opportunity to find the closest church. Our church directory consists of catholic, protestant, community, non denominational, denominational, baptist, evangelical, black and african american churches all over the United States and worldwide.